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New Masonry Acid washing/Brick Cleaning service to Mason/General Contractors and new home owners, dissatisfied with their original cleaning, or in need of cleaning.

Through the years JND Enterprises have made numerous innovations, like the low pressure apparatus for applying detergents that has the benefit of reducing cost to the client. And the simple idea of attaching a trowel to the end of a magnesium bull float handle, makes scraping excess mortar easier. And numerous others all for the benefit of the client in keeping costs competitive, ensuring the highest quality and aesthetically pleasing  results.


Cleaning brick with acid is one of the old secrets of masonry. In the time of the Egyptians Acetic acid was used. Then Oil of Vitriol and sodium chloride, that's right salt. Acid is the mason’s friend, almost anyone can use it. Acid can also be the worst enemy to the mason, if not used correctly.

The process of cleaning brick is often one of the most overlooked aspects of brick construction.


The finest craftsmanship can be ruined by improper cleaning techniques, leaving behind stains, streaks and etched mortar joints.


It is very important to follow the proper construction techniques and proper cleaning procedures. Some possible problems resulting from lack of adherence to the following construction tips include: Reduced aesthetic appeal of the finished product which will create angry owners and architects. Potential owner back charging, re-doing the work, or withholding of payment. Owners and architects will tend not to use a particular mason on their future projects if the masonry does not live up to expectations of great aesthetic appeal and mortar that is firm, not burned.


From Wikipedia:
Hydrochloric acid was first discovered around 800 AD by the alchemist Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber), by mixing common salt with sulfuric acid ("vitriol"). Jabir discovered many important chemicals, and recorded his findings in over 20 books, which carried his chemical knowledge of hydrochloric acid and other basic chemicals for hundreds of years. Jabir's invention of the gold-dissolving aqua regia, consisting of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid, was of great interest to alchemists searching for the philosopher's stone.
In the Middle Ages, hydrochloric acid was known to European alchemists as spirits of salt or acidum salis. Gaseous HCl was called marine acid air. The old name muriatic acid has the same origin (muriatic means "pertaining to brine or salt"), and this name is still sometimes used. 

Today Hydrochloric acid and water solution has been replaced by acid detergents. During the industrial revolution through the earlier part of the twentieth century most brick was red clay brick similar to pavers. This type of brick is very resistant to chemicals, base or acid, washing with acid and water produced good clean brick with no staining other than water related stains. Today's masonry comes in all colors which takes different ingredients to produce. Some of these ingredients are sensitive to acids, such as chromium and manganese. Modern chemistry harnesses the good properties while taming the bad side of acids. Here are some proprietary manufacturers of masonry detergents‘ thoughts on acids:

Prosoco’s thiughts on acid; Although proprietary masonry cleaners may contain acid, it's usually in small amounts. The acid component is harnessed and channeled by inhibitors, surfactants and other ingredients that magnify the acid's useful properties while keeping the masonry safe. These cleaners also come with specific application and safety instructions — something muriatic acid doesn't.

FABRIKEM's masonry cleaners employ special wetting agents, detergents, inhibitors, and surfactants which provide the necessary properties for effectively cleaning the specific substrate and conditions noted above. Each product is formulated to remove specific stains while minimizing any damage to the masonry surface. Larger areas can be cleaned at one time, and special emulsifiers help to effect thorough rinsing.

NMD80 is a detergent based solution designed for the express purpose of safe but effective cleaning of new masonry structures. The detergent boost to the product enables you to use fewer applications than normal and work comfortably around other people as there is little to no odor or sting with the product. NMD80 is also milder to your equipment because it is less corrosive in nature.

Diedrich Technologies 202 New Masonry Detergents a combination of organic and inorganic acids, wetting agents and inhibitors.
Modern new masonry detergents produce consistent results. Revealing the true beauty of masonry.  The benefit to the client is reduced cost and an increase in safety.

Acid Washing, Brick Cleaning, Chemical Cleaning
Acid Cleaning, Brick cleaning, Chemical Cleaning
New Brick Washing, Acid Washing, Chemical Cleaning
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