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Caulking Difficult Corners Neatly

Caulking Difficult Corners Neatly

Caulking a straight line, like control joints is relatively simple, but joints that are recessed and are at a corner can be tricky. Often times special tools and attachments are needed.

Paint Removal & Masonry Restoration

Paint Removal & Masonry Restoration

Once paint is removed the masonry most probably will need some restoration. In this case study you will see the process and results.

Convex Mortar Jointing

Convex Mortar Jointing

Convex mortar joints are typically used on rocky face or uneven stone, Adding a decorative and appealing finish to surfaces.

Removing White Scum Film

Removing White Scum Film

White scum is one of the tougher superfluous stains to remove from brick.

Rubber Membrane Scam

Rubber Membrane Scam

The sales guy says; "Have I got a deal for you." Then he tells you how, "you'll never have to worry about a leaky chimney cap ever again," because he's going to put a "permanent rain coat on it." Don't buy it, all masonry needs to breath, masonry is vapor permeable, water penetrates only so far, then evaporates out. These rubber membranes trap moisture, thus decay begins and in a matter of few years the membrane is sloughed off, and in the process ruining your chimney cap.



One morning, you wake-up to what you thought was going to be a routine day, go out get the paper or walk the dog, look up and see some vandal has "tagged" your home or maybe your fence. We feel violated when someone has graffitied our home or property, and in particular our church or place of worship. JND Enterprises can help, and we do the job right... the first time.

Lightning Strikes a Chimney

Lightning Strikes a Chimney

When lightning strikes a chimney it is usually an explosive disaster. The damage can be quite severe, but this homeowner was very lucky. Only a few brick were shattered and the flues were not damaged. our field report details the condition of the chimney in the wake of the lightning strike.

What Tuckpointing Can Do For You

What Tuckpointing Can Do For You

The budget is tight and yet there is maintenance to be done on some of the masonry on your property. Replacing brick can be costly, but there is a cost effective and quality alternative, and that is Tuckpointing. When done properly Tuckpointing, as a repair can last as long as replacing brick and can be as aesthetically pleasing. By cutting back the mortar of the brick or stone and cutting the brick or stone itself, widening the cracks in the broken masonry to accept the matching repair mortar.

Window Channels to be Caulked

Window Channels to be Caulked

Newly installed windows have a channel built into them that is for gripping caulk sealant.

We do the small things right.

We do the small things right.

We do the small things right, with total customer satisfaction as the goal. When you need professional results on that small job, call us. Over 40 years of combined experience.

Field Case studies

Reports of Our Observations in the Field.



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