Tuckpointing Caulking Restoration
JND Enterprises
Serving Chicago, Chicagoland
Northwest Indiana
Residental | Commercial | Institutional
The top of your chimney is the weakest part of your brick work and the most susceptible to weathering
Maybe you've noticed some dampness in your attic or on the drywall or maybe your chimney is leaning a bit.
The freeze thaw cycle causes mortar to crumble.
One cause might be a leak in the chimney cap or if there are hairline cracks in your chimney it's likely that water is entering your chimney. The constant freezing and thawing will cause the chimney to shift, making it lean and off balance.
Lightning is also a major cause of chimney destruction.
You rely on your chimney as an exhaust system, not unlike a muffler on an automobile. The chimney's mortar may deteriorate or crack. Mortar joints between stone or bricks are likely to flake, wash out or crack after a while, about ten years or so, after being built.
What causes mortar to degenerate? Simply the freeze-thaw action of our colder climate is usually the culprit. Moisture can make its way into the masonry of the chimney thus causing damage.
Not only are chimneys susceptible to
weather, lightning strikes are also common and can cause major harm.
Be sure to check the chimney at least every two years.
Here are some things you'll want to look for while inspecting your chimney.
Loose Flashing, that's the metal that wraps around the base of the chimney. The sheet metal that keeps your chimney water tight.
Loose or missing mortar in the chimney.
Look on the ground for broken pieces of mortar.
Efflorescence or white crusty powder on the brick of the chimney.
Cracks in the chimney cap also known as the crown.

Researching the cost and procedures can head off problems. And if repairs are recommended getting a second opinion could save money in the long run. I'm not one to disparage someone trying to make a living, but chimney sweeps are not masons or tuckpointers. When a chimney sweep tells you you need to have your chimney repaired it is my personal opinion that you need to get an estimate from a tuckpointer or a mason. What a tuckpointer and mason knows is masonry, (we built it) when we inspect your chimney we see if the brick are spalled or if the mortar is decaying, we climb on top of the chimney, if it's accessible, and look down into the flu to see the condition.
A chimney inspection every two years is a good habit to get into, the cost of simply maintaining a chimney with periodic inspections and minor tuck pointing as it arises is far cheaper than a tear down and rebuild. A tear down and rebuild could cost up to 10 times more that a simple tuckpointing job. So always get your chimney inspected by a mason or tuckpointer. Without proper and timely maintenance the damage to a chimney can be so severe that the only course of action is to rebuild it.
A tuckpointing repair is much
cheaper and cost effective than a rebuild.
How do I fix my chimney?
The Internet is full reports of chimney repair scams that typically start with a deeply discounted chimney cleaning.
Check for signs of damage or stress such as cracks missing mortar and brick.
Check for pieces of mortar or brick on the ground that's an indicator of decaying mortar or brick.
Inspect the chimney yourself if you're able to get on the roof, do so, have a look. If the roof is not accessible use binoculars.
Get a video inspection, video inspections are easy with the advent of smartphones. Simply attach the iPhone or Android to a string and lower into the flu and video tape that's it, then you can review what it looks like down there.
- Get at least three estimates from a tuckpointer or mason, do keep in mind a tuckpointer is more likely to restore masonry back to its original look.

Chimney Rebuild
Chimney Rebuild/Repair
for Industry
Chimney Rebuild/Repair
from a Lightning Strike
Chimney Rebuild/Repair
for Places of Worship
Chimney Cap/Crown