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Mold and Mildew are common problems on on many surfaces around your property in particular patio decks.

Deck Cleaning

Our professional deck cleaning service will properly clean and seal your deck, ensuring that it stays mint condition through the years.


To clean your deck, we use a power washer and Prosoco's Enviro Klean or Prosoco's BioWash that removes dirt, mold, mildew and Lichen quickly and efficiently. Then enhance the appearance with a compatible sealer.


We can also help with routine deck maintenance tasks during our visit, like fixing sagging boards, replacing or tightening loose screws and shaky railings. With JND Enterprises, your deck gets a complete tune up that will help it last through the seasons.


Call or email to learn more about our power washing services for clean-up around the rest of your property.


Deck Cleaning Gallery 


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